Tempeh Dijon
5m 16s
Serves 2
1 package of tempeh, any style
½ cup water
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
½ cup dry white wine
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 to 2 tablespoons light vegetable oil, or additional if needed.
1. Cut tempeh into four pieces across, then turn each piece on its side and slice to make thinner slices. You should have eight thin slices of tempeh.
2. Whisk together water, the mustard, white wine, and crushed garlic to make an emulsified sauce. The sauce will be broth like in consistency.
3. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat and add the oil. When the oil is hot, but not smoking, add the tempeh and fry on both sides until nicely browned about 5 minutes on each side.
4. Pour the sauce over the tempeh in the pan and lower the heat. Simmer for about 10-12 minutes, shaking the pan occasionally, until the liquid is reduced and syrupy.
5. Remove the tempeh and lay on a plate. Spoon the remaining mustard sauce over the tempeh and serve.
Tempeh Dijon is delicious served hot over rice, noodles or quinoa garnished with scallions, steamed asparagus or your favorite vegetables. This recipe is also fabulous at room temperature as a sandwich, starter or cubed into salads.